Business of Doodles
You are now ready to take the steps to start building your dreams and launch the new YOU! During this course, you will create a business model and plan.
Deciding to make a leap into building a business around “doodling for dollars” can be quite overwhelming. We know because we have made the career leap over and over every year for almost twenty years and we want to help. In this course, we will share as much as we can to accelerate your leap into this field. We begin by understanding your strengths and niche in this ever growing market. Then you will create a business model and plan for growth. Once you know that, you can develop a plan for launching the new YOU, build a community of support around your work and step into the success of developing, building and expanding your own business.
During this course you will:
- Define your purpose, passion, mission and vision.
- Understand more about what you bring to the market.
- Explore how you can grow your business.
- Build the roadmap for the next version of YOU!
- Discover the power of knowing your true self.
Business of Doodle Course Syllabus:
Module 01
Video 01: Welcome
Video 02: Understanding Your Values
Video 03: Word of the Year
Module 02
Video 01: Mission & Vision Statement
Video 02: Mission Statement
Video 03: Vision Statement
Module 03
Video 01: Services
Video 02: Products
Video 03: Revenue & Profit
Module 04
Video 01: Build the Plan
Video 02: Let's Get Messy
Video 03: Refine the Plan
Module 05
Video 01: Connection Deep Dive
Video 02: Get Connected
Video 03: Your Connection Map
Module 06
Video 01: Do You Want to Change The World?
Video 02: Carry the Message
Video 03: Spread the Love