Preparing for the Doodle Summit & Our Journey

As artists, we often find ourselves drawn to moments and opportunities that fuel our passion and purpose. The anticipation of attending the upcoming Doodle Summit has sparked a fire within me and igniting a desire to dive deeper into our creative and artistic journey. In this week's blog, we will explore how to prepare for the 2023 Doodle Summit and this new calling to focus more on creativity and artistry, and the importance of building a supportive community of artists.


 Embracing the Doodle Summit:
The Doodle Summit represents an exciting gathering of like-minded individuals who share a common love for creativity, expression, and the art & power of creativity. What started out eight years ago as simple doodling lessons has evolved to creating art journals, paintings, making products, creative business coaching and so much more. As we prepare for this event, we eagerly anticipate the chance to connect with fellow artists, learn from our experiences, and immerse ourselves in an environment that celebrates the soulful art.

Honoring the Calling:
As I prepare our agenda, I feel called to focus more on the art of creativity. And I have come to a powerful realization that art should be embraced wholeheARTedly. It is a reminder to prioritize our artistic practice, invest time in honing our skills, and explore new avenues of creative expression. By heeding this calling, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth as individuals and a community.

Nurturing the Artistic Journey:
Preparing for the Doodle Summit involves nurturing our artistic journey. This may include setting aside dedicated time for creating art, experimenting with different mediums or techniques, and seeking inspiration from diverse sources such as nature, fellow artists, or art history. Prioritizing our artistic development ensures that we continue to evolve as creators.

 Building a Supportive Community:
In my journaling, I have felt the message that The Doodle Summit serves as a catalyst for building a community of artists and creators. Recognizing the power of connection and collaboration, we embrace the opportunity to foster a supportive network that uplifts and inspires one another. Doodle Friends over the years has become a powerful community, a safe space for sharing ideas, a place for offering feedback, and a needed space for celebrating each other's creative & artistic achievements.

 Embracing Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing:
Attending the Doodle Summit provides a platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing. I am so excited and have been designing engaging workshops and breakout discussions to learn from each other.

"By embracing our community, we tap into the collective wisdom of the artistic collective and expand our own horizons."

 Cultivating a Growth Mindset:
Preparing for the Doodle Summit involves cultivating a growth mindset. I want to encourage you to approach this experience with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to learn from both your successes and challenges. Embracing a growth mindset allows us to embrace new ideas, take creative risks, and constantly push the boundaries of our artistic capabilities.

Embodying the Role of Artist:
Feeling called to focus more on art invites us to embrace and embody the role of an artist wholeheartedly. We recognize that being an artist goes beyond creating artwork—it encompasses embracing a creative lifestyle, cultivating self-expression, and using our art to convey messages, evoke emotions, and contribute to the world.

Creating Space for Inspiration:
Preparing for the Doodle Summit involves creating space for inspiration to flourish. This may include setting up a dedicated art studio or workspace, curating an inspiring environment with artwork, books, and motivational quotes, and surrounding ourselves with fellow artists who uplift and inspire us.

Cultivating Self-Care:
Amidst the excitement and preparation, it's crucial to prioritize self-care. Taking time for rest, relaxation, and self-reflection allows us to maintain a healthy balance between our artistic pursuits and personal well-being. By nurturing ourselves, we ensure our creativity thrives.

As we eagerly prepare for the Doodle Summit, we embrace the calling to focus more on art, build a community of artists, and immerse ourselves in the transformative power of creativity. This journey is an opportunity to honor our artistic calling, nurture our skills, and embrace collaboration and knowledge sharing. By creating space for inspiration, cultivating a growth mindset, and embodying the role of an artist, we set the stage for personal and artistic growth. Let us embark on this path with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a deep commitment to building a vibrant community that uplifts, supports, and celebrates the artistic journey.

Together, we can create a meaningful impact through our art and leave a lasting legacy in the hearts and minds of others.


Whenever you are ready, there are 2 ways we can help you:

 1. Get 2 PDF Workbooks: Get two amazing mini eBooks - "I Love Doodling" and "I Love Painting"! With these eBooks, you'll learn how to create beautiful works of art with simple doodles and paintings. Get creative and explore your artistic side today!

2. Join the Doodle Friends Monthly Membership:  Doodle Friends offers a safe and inclusive space for artists of all backgrounds to connect, collaborate, and celebrate their unique artistic expressions. Together, we foster a culture of creativity, inspiration, and lifelong learning. You will have access to interactive lessons, step-by-step tutorials, and personalized feedback, you'll gain the confidence and skills to express yourself creatively.